The al-Mutanabbi Street Coalition asked Book Artists from around the world to each donate three books to make up an inventory of al-Mutanabbi-Street. The call was running from September 2010 to September 2011.
More than 250 artists followed the call.
Confirmed exhibit spaces for work from An Inventory of Al-Mutanabbi Street:
George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia - the complete collection on show.
Jaffe Center for Book Arts, Florida Atlantic Univesity, Boca Raton, Florida: February-April 2015
Idaho Center for the Book in partnership with The Arts and Humanities Institute at Boise State University, October 3 in 2014 to January 30 in 2014 - about 50 artist’s books on show. Credits go to Elizabeth Sloan.
The Pacific Northwest College of Art, Portland, Oregon: Jan to March 2014 - between 50 and 100 artist’s books on show.
Arab-British Centre, London, UK: Early 2014 - up to 50 artists books on show.
The Mosaic Rooms, London, UK: 10 January - 21 February 2014 - up to 50 artists books on show.
The Institute Library, New Haven, Conneticut: march-April 2014 - up to 50 artists books on show.
The Museum of Contemporary Craft, Portland, Oregon: Jan to March 2014 - between 50 and 100 artist’s books on show.
Kate Chapell ‘83 Center for Book Arts at the University Of Southern Maine: Jan 27 to May 1 in 2014 - between 50 and 100 artist’s books on show.
Queen Elizabeth II Library, Memorial University, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada: June 1 to July 30 in 2014 - about 50 of the artist’s books on show. Credits go to Tara Bryan.
Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County, Rochester, New York: June to September in 2013 - between 50 and 150 artist’s books on show.
Craft and Folk Art Museum, Los Angeles, California: 21 September 2014 - 4 January 2015 - between 50 and 100 artist’s books on show.
American University of Cairo, Egypt: starting March 5th, ending date and number of books is to fixed.
American University in Beirut, Lebanon: Autumn 2014
The Cambridge Arts Council, Cambridge, Massachusetts: January to June 2013 - complete collection on show.
Santa Fe University of Art and Design, Santa Fe, New Mexico: Jan 25 to March 30 in 2013 - between 150 and 200 artist’s books on show. Credits go to the coordinator Donna Ruff.
John Rylands Library at Manchester University (UK, see image above): Feb 6 to July 29 in 2013 - the complete collection on show - credits go to Katie Donlon - Blogpost
The San Francisco Center for the Book, San Francisco, California: Feb 1 to April 26 in 2012 - about 50 of the artist’s books on show.
Gallery Route One, Point Reyes, California: March 15 - April 21 in 2013 - some 40 books will be on show here. Credits go to Zea Morvitz.
Center for Book Arts in collaboratin with Poets House, New York City: July 10 - September 21 in 2013 - the complete collection on show. credits go to Alexander Campos.
Literary & Philosophical Society Library, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: August 5 to September 30 in 2013 - about 50 of the artist’s books on show. Credits go to Theresa Easton.
Newark Public Library, Newark, New Jersey, Oct to Dec in 2013 - between 50 and 100 artist’s books on show.
Collins Memorial Library, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington: August 19 to October 31 in 2013
The Westminster Reference Library, Westminster (UK): Feb 27 to March 17 in 2012 - about 50 of the artist’s books on show.
The Powell Library Rotunda, UCLA, Los Angeles, California: March 5 to April 30 in 2012 - about 50 of the artist’s books on show
Salt & Cedar Letterpress Studio, Detroit, Michigan: August 8 to October 1 in 2012,
Some of the fund raising activities alongside the project:
At studio bleikloetzle a special edition of 130 cards has been printed letterpress from metal type in 2012, 5 years after the attack. It is one card for every person injured or killed during the bombing in Baghdad in 2007. The cards are a fundraiser alongside activities, readings and exhibitions in connection with the project “An Inventory of Al-Mutanabbi Street”. The poems on those cards are a selection of 7 out of more than 30 from MANARAH, one of the works of bookart being part of “An Inventory of Al-Mutanabbi Street”.
There has also been a fund raiser running to support the start of the touring exhibitions and another to publish the project’s anthology.
You can order a catalogue from the Center of Book Arts in New York where all books have been on show in 2013.
Find more of the books that are part of “An Inventory of Al-Mutanabbi Street” here.
Find a gallery of the books here.
From any other Book Artist worktable around the globe: contact any of the below named
Beau Beausoleil (USA)
Sarah Bodman (UK)
Find the details of the call in Book Arts Newsletter No 60 on the UWE’s site.